Friday, January 08, 2021


 by "Wholly His"

The nature that generates our life, whether carnal or Divine, is always with us. Consequently, our soul always feels either the disturbance or the tranquility that stems from the nature that is given place to influence it. Anytime a soul is governed by the carnal nature it will be, at the very least, restless and uneasy. Anytime a soul is governed by the Divine nature, it will experience Heavenly peace. 

Though unaware of it, carnal man is constantly seeking something to numb himself or provide some form of escape from his inward discomfort. He often resorts to busyness as a means of temporary relief; going here and there, searching here and there, and trying this or that. It won’t work! 

The soul of fallen man is in a state of disorder which produces a perpetual whirling motion of anguish within it. There is only one way to re-establish the proper order which will bring an end to that which generates and sustains the whirling motion of anguish. It is by rejecting every influence of the beastly nature that was inherited through the fall of Adam and fully embracing the power of the gospel to produce a re-birth of the Light and Spirit of God within the soul to become it’s only sources of illumination and inspiration, just as they were so long as Adam continued in his original right state of being. 

There is no peace for the soul of man without receiving this work of restoration and continually yielding to the influences of the Divine nature in order for them to generate the mindset, all that is allowed, all that is consented to, all that is said and all that is done. See Genesis 3, Ecclesiastes 3:18, Matthew 7: 13-23, Luke 9:23-25, Romans 6, Romans 8: 1-14, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 2: 1-10 and 2 Corinthians 5: 14-21.